Monday 4 April 2011

WANTED: Good Nights Kip...Willing to Pay!!

Oh my goodness, I'm not sure the word tired suffices today. Last night was one hell of a bad night. I think I've come down with a cold (great!) so I had headache, stuffy, runny nose, achey and sore last night. I was awake from 3AM onwards, not good.

Today I've been at my friends office lending a hand or rather, keeping her company because I didn't really DO anything. She didn't have anything organised/planned for me. We went for lunch and it was lovely to catch up though I wish I had stayed at home. I ache really badly and baby Lewis is not a happy bunny today - tummy really tight and sore and constant back ache that will not budge with pain killers.

I came home around 4ish and the plan was to get in the bath however I couldn't face the stairs so have come into the livingroom, turned TV and laptop on and ligged on the sofa feeling sorry for myself. Whoever tells you pregnancy is an enjoyable experience needs to get their bloody facts straight because not all women get the enjoyable pregnancy experience!!!

Alan and I are attending the first of our antenatal classes tomorrow night, not sure what to expect but it's worth a try... I'm hoping we benefit from going to the classes although if its just touring the labour ward and talking about labour...I reckon I could lead the classes myself the amount of times I've been there recently! The midwife recommended going to the classes and while I've been in preterm labour etc I'm no expert on child birth so I'm thinking the classes will be interesting (hopefully...) will keep an open mind though!

Caught sight of myself in a full length mirror today and didn't realise how BIG bump was until then! Holy mother of Mary! We don't have any mirrors in our house that are below waist so I very rarely see myself properly. It came as quite the shock I can tell you. Baby Lewis is one big bubba! I'll get Alan to take a picture later tonight and post the pictures of my bump growth so far.

I'm trying to get up the energy to move off the sofa and upstairs to the bath. Tired, achey and strong (but infrequent) contractions are not a good combination! Yes, the contractions I've had today have been strong and long but not frequent enough to concern me. They aren't unbareable either so while I can cope at home, I will. Hopefully they will either come more regular and more painful and end up in full blown labour OR they will bog off all together and allow me the privilage of enjoying the rest of my pregnancy. Somehow, I don't think either will happen. Just my luck.

This post is pretty random and more rambling than anything so I'm going to sign off now. Not going to delete this post though because I've spent time writing it when I feel so rubbish - thats dedication for you!!

Tomorrow, I might even have the energy to write about my business ideas.... I might not either though so don't get your hopes up!!!


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