Wednesday 6 April 2011

A bit of a moan...

This post is going to be mainly a moan and feeling sorry for myself. I've got a cold and I'm ratty because I'm getting no sleep and I feel rubbish!

Yesterday was great, me and Alan went out for lunch and took my older sister Keira and my gorgeous niece, Daisy. We had pizza hut buffet and even though I was sniffly and tired, I really enjoyed it.

Went to the antenatal talks at the hospital yesterday. The midwife kept checking I was OK because I looked so rough ha ha ha! We walked around the labour ward and even looked in one of the rooms I was in the first time I started contracting early! We saw the pool and it made me think I'd like to have a go but Alan's not fussed. Typical bloke thinking his opinion counts when it's ME going through it.

He's in the bad books, kind of. We came home and I moved some of my things off of the sofa so he could sit down but he came in huffing and puffing moving them all again but in an aggresive kind of way. I moved off the sofa and sat on the other one and told him I didn't want to sit with him if he was going to be like that. Best thing is, the kitchen was clean and tidy and the only pots on the side were HIS. The washing pile on the floor is HIS. He does very little cleaning because I do it yet he doesn't appreciate it. I do all the washing, cleaning and tidying so if I leave something out or make a little bit of a mess I should be able to do so without him getting moody about it!

Told him I feel crap this morning and baby Lewis is misbehaving with contractions and he's told me to take it steady but if I don't clean up he will only moan or huff and puff! So I'm going to make the house sparkle before he gets home and I hope he feels guilty for it! Git!!!!!!!

I do love him really but FGS he gets on my nerves sometimes!!!

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