Wednesday 20 April 2011

Angry post

Woke up today feeling tired, sore but fairly happy. Now, my blood is boiling and I'm extremely annoyed. Only two types of people can do that to me: wasters and family.

Todays case is a bit of both. For you to grasp the whole thing I'd have to tell the whole story and the fact that it is very long and complicated isn't what puts me off. Quite frankly I'm embarassed of it all.

I only ever talk about my sister Keira but I do have a younger sister, Elise/Ellie and an older brother Paul. Paul and Keira are fantastic siblings, they are older than me and I'm really close to them. Ellie is another story.

On Christmas day 2010 she gave birth to my nephew William George. My mum and I were her birthing partners and I won't deny it was an amazing experience. You would think this would bring us closer together but it hasn't. Ellie had a child with a man MY age. For obvious reasons I can't go into detail but the said man is now in prison serving a short sentence for sex with a minor. Ellie was 14 when she got pregnant and 15 when she had the baby.

My mum is Ellies main support because Ellie has ailienated the rest of us with lies. Shes an impulsive liar. She tells mum that we, (Keira, Paul and I) pick on her etc and has so far resulted in me and mum falling out on more than one occassion. The only reason mum is talking to me now is because of the situation with baby Lewis and the hospital and it wasn't me that told her, it was Keira. Mum gets up in the night with William, baths him, feeds him, changes him, dresses him. Poor little bugger is going to grow up thinking my mum is HIS mum and not his granny. Ellie is still at school doing her A Levels although she complains about it ALL the time - it was her bloody choice! On school days, William goes to a childminders. Mum gets him ready for the childminders and takes him. Ellie picks him up (the minder used to drop him off) and looks after him for the hour while mum gets in from work - then mum takes over. Ellie cries depression far too much and I understand the postnatal depression thing and I can assure you Ellie is not depressed she just knows how to play my mum. Shes got a new boyfriend whos 22 - can anyone tell me what a 22yr old MAN wants with a 16yr old GIRL?????? Mum is fine about it - yet the other man is in prison? Doesn't make sense to me. Ellie isn't on any contraception and mum isn't concerned...HELLO WAKE UP MUM ELLIE IS NOT SWEET & INNOCENT AS YOU THINK!!!

Mum thinks Ellie was groomed, by the man in prison and other men (yes there were others) the fact is Ellie is a tart. She sleeps around and has done from a young age. I know it was Ellie that instigated a lot of it because it was me that caught her out and esentially me that sent the man to prison. I found all the evidence, found where he lived etc when Ellie wouldn't talk. I won't deny that she did think she loved him and that she thought he loved her but she knew what was happening was wrong.

Now, Ellie moans about never having time for herself etc yet shes hardly ever got her son. Mum looks after him because Ellies excuses is shes a single mum. Mum has never offered to have my neice or nephew while their mums catch up on time to themselves while the men go out to work. Its only the same thing. Ellie isn't a single mum because she has everyone running around after her.

I think to get the reason why I'm so angry you'd have to know the whole story and like I said, I'm far too embarassed. I don't think the guy in prison is Williams father tho - altho they definately did have sex. William looks Asian and his "father" is as pale as they come and they share no features. I know, I've seen them both.

Ellie has posted on facebook about being fed up and doesn't know why she bothers this morning - which is what prompted my post. I'm angry and upset. She is disgusting and I honestly don't like her at all. Me, Keira and Paul all think the same. And its sad to say but mum doesn't support us because she doesn't have the time now she is looking after a baby.

And now I've got some friggin Welsh bloke on the phone asking for a Stacey and won't accept theres no Stacey here. Ooooh man, today is going to be one of those days!

On a brighter note, Baby Lewis has hiccups which is dead cute :)

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