Saturday 23 April 2011


This is a very quick post, I'll probably finish this later and think of a more appropriate title.

Ellie, my sister wasn't feeling well yesterday and my mum took her to hospital. Keira and I thought nothing of this as to be fair, Ellie and mum are hypocondriacts (sorry for the mis-spelling)...I had a call this morning from Keira, Ellie is going to theatre TODAY. Suspected appendicitis. Mum text me to let me know after I'd spoken to Keira so I called her. I also text Ellie. Just had confirmation from mum that Ellie is going to theatre in the next 15 mins and they aren't doing keyhole because of the family history of gyne problems. I find this a bit strange as keyhole is usually done first to LOOK for any problems before a full cut (can't remember the word which is weird considering I've had about 5!) Anyway, I've offered to have William (Ellie's son - in case you're not up to date on things) if needed. I feel a little bad about not believing them yesterday but to be fair, its a little like the boy who cried wolf with Ellie.

On another note, my friend Wendy text me at 5:30 this morning and her waters went at 5! She's in hospital now and dilating slowly but the contractions are close together so hopefully her little one will be here today! I'm tres jealous! We were in hospital together at the start of pregnancy - although she is further on than I am. Was hoping to end it together too!! Oh well!

Will update more later


Ok so now is later! Just got back from town, nipped there for some icing sugar for my baking day. I got to town and walked from the Alhambra to the bus station called in Wilkinsons, the card shop and the food weigh store place nr the bus station...anyway caused me HELL! Really painful. I was glad to get on the bus even if I was sat next to a very nosey old dear who had an opinion on everything including my baby! Contractions started then. I'm not sure if the pain is caused from walking or if it's genuine. I'm giving it until 2:45 (30 mins away) before I call labour ward. Alan's at work so it would mean me going up alone, don't want to drag him out of work and it be another false alarm. Hope it's not because it's getting to be real hard work all this pain. Will see how I go. Never know, my next post could be as a mummy. Wishful thinking again, I know.


  1. Is that my ex-pupil Wendy C that you are talking about Amy? If you text her send her my love. (ex Driving Instructor)

  2. It is Jayne :) I'll pass on your message when I text her shortly! Hopefully her little one will be here today x
