Saturday 7 May 2011

Short & Sweet

I am knackered. Up and down, up and down to the loo every hour or so last night. I know that this is supposed to happen but it doesn't make it any less annoying. Doesn't help that my husband likes to take up ALL of the bed either laying on me or pushing me out. I gave it up at 6am, got up and came downstairs. I decided the dream about getting some shoes re-heeled was worth missing. I'm tired, feel sick and slightly emotional this morning. It's hormones, I know.

Yesterday I had a lovely afternoon with Alan. We went for lunch to The Bluebell at Manvers. It seems to be one of our favourite places to eat at the moment. We took our time, sat eating and talking [not talking with our mouths full, what do you think we are!!] We even managed dessert, normally we rush through but this time we took our time. There was nothing spoiling. I had toffee & profitteroll cheesecake - it was devine! Alan had a knickerbockerglory - he's such a kid. I can't wait to learn to drive so I can be the "designated driver" and he can enjoy a beer.

We went to Hobbycraft to get a plastic box for the snake - his tank is ready for cleaning but I can't hold him whilst Alan cleans it or vice versa because I'm pregnant. We've bought a plastic box with a clip lid to put him in while the vivarium gets cleaned. We're going to drill air holes in the lid, obviously. Alan bought me some new paint brushes and some paints for the canvases I've had for years. Don't get me wrong, I'm not any good at painting and I'm certainly no artist. I want to design a canvas for Baby Lewis' room. The plan is a striped blue, red and white canvas with the alphabet on it. Sounds crap. Probably will turn out crap but I'm giving it a go! We bought the cot bedding yesterday. We don't have the cot yet but it will be delivered at the end of May, beginning of June.

Not sure what our plans are today, it's forecast thunderstorms which is probably why I have a headache. I suffer with migranes a lot and aways get one when there is a thunderstorm. Something to do with airpressure I suppose. I don't want to stay at home all day, that I do know. Maybe I'll take a look at some museums or something...need to keep my mind off of labour.

I'm feeling very down on myself today. If I had to tell you what I'm good at and what I'm bad at, there would be nothing on the good list and plenty on the bad. So before I get all self pity on my arse I'm signing off. Self pity and misery is not the look I'm going for today.

Peace out x

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