Monday 9 May 2011

Early labour sucks

The title says it all. Early labour sucks. We went to the hospital yesterday afternoon after the pain got worse and the contractions were 5mins apart. The midwife put me on the monitor and said she'd come check on me. She came back and told me she thought I was in labour as the contractions were strong, intense and were 3mins apart. I told her this was nothing new to me. She asked if she could "check" me which basically means an internal. As I'm over 37 weeks the midwives can do this on their own, no need to call a Dr or consultant which I was pleased about. Anyone who's had any kind of internal will know they are very undignified and uncomfortable and sometimes painful - during pregnancy its worse. I think the fact you're already tender doesn't help. The midwife did the internal and I was dreading her turning around and saying that the cervix was closed shut blah blah blah...

Turns out I'm not closed! And my cervix is softening! It's not "active" labour until you are 3-4cm dilated but I am in early labour. I asked how long things could take and it could take hours, days or weeks! Typical! The midwife and the dr both told me they didn't think it would be weeks at all, at the most it would be days. I hope they're right! I asked the midwife if I was a "puff" for coming in so early on in labour and being in pain and she said no, my contractions are actually stronger than some women who are in full labour. Comforting in a way. I was given the choice to either go home or stay in for monitoring. I chose to go home.

Didn't get any sleep last night so I feel shocking today. I've had contractions, though nothing like 5mins apart all night. I've had back pain and period pain all night and no change this morning. It looks like this could finally be the start of things. I'm not nervous yet. I will be once they tell me I'm in active labour. The plan today is to keep as active as I can handle with the contractions to try and encourage baby to move further down etc. Hopefully things will move quickly today.

Who knows...

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