Sunday 8 May 2011

Another early rise...

I'm knackered. Been up since 4am. Chuffing brilliant. Had major back ache last night but managed to eventually get to sleep sometime just after 11:30 then woke up at 1 for the loo [bloody baby squashing my bladder!] and then just before Alan's alarm went off at 4AM. I wasn't going to get up but with my back killing me there was no way I was going back to sleep. I come downstairs with Alan [he's on days] and made a hot water bottle up. I watched cartoons and the news for a bit then decided to get on with the canvas I'm attempting to do for baby Lewis' bedroom.

Alan and I had a craft evening last night. He did his dam buster model and I started a canvas for the nursery. Painting is really relaxing. I can't actually paint though I will make that point now. I was painting lines. All will be revealed when it's complete. If it's any good, I've got an idea for another.

Yesterday was really good, we went to Keiras and took her a Peppa Pig birthday cake. Her birthday isn't until Monday 9th but Alan's at work and Keira, Mick and Daisy are going out for the day so yesterday seemed a good a day as any. She was really pleased with it. We stayed for some cake [obviously] and a cuppa which was great. Alan and I then went out for lunch before calling at his sister Sharons house for a quick visit. We then came home and relaxed. Makes a change for us to not be out or doing something until late.

I'm gonna make a cuppa tea and get on my birthing ball, I'm in chuffin agony here. Hoping baby Lewis will make his debut appearace soon. Later, all being well we are off out for Sunday lunch. I might get a little bit dressed up too sod it!

***** [EDIT] *****

Decided if I'm still in pain when Alan gets home, I'm calling the hospital. They will probably get me to go up for checking out but if nothings happening I'll come home, not staying in for no reason. At least I will feel more at ease knowing baby is OK etc or if anything is happening even if I am in pain.

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