Tuesday 24 May 2011

Due Date and Disaster

I'm not even going to bother listing the reasons for not posting in so long...
I was due to have Baby Lewis 21st May, I didn't have him which means...you guessed it! I'm over due! The doctors and midwives all told me NO WAY would I get to full term. Ha! They were wrong as usual. Think Baby Lewis wanted to out-smart everyone. Little shit. Good[ish] news is I'm in "early" labour, I've started to dilate and my cervix [sorry if TMI] is very soft and the midwife can feel babys head. The bad news is, he's laid back to back...and he's not here yet :( When a baby is laid back to back, they come out facing upwards in stead of facing downwards. Back to back labours tend to be longer, more painful and require assisted deliveries. I get all the fun stuff don't I? I was told this Friday 20th May...since then I've been in more agony than before. I had a sweep done at the hospital on 20th - we went because the contractions were strong, regular and I felt major pressure in my bum and back...turns out this is because of the way he's laid. My next sweep, provided I haven't had him by then is Saturday 28th May. I just hope he makes an appearance before then.
The back ache and period type pains are awful, they keep me awake at night and force me to take 3 baths a day to try and soothe the pain. The kettle is constantly on the boil for my hot water bottle and I'm popping pills [paracetamol & codeine] like a druggy from Kendray [if you're not from Barnsley, you won't understand this reference but take it from me...it's not good!] Sitting hurts, standing hurts, laying hurts. There is a chance baby could turn before labour or even during and I've been reading up on how to do this because I wasn't given ANY advice from the hospital midwives and my own community midwife FAILED to tell me he was laid this way. Fucking typical [sorry for the language]. So, to turn baby leaning forward on a birthing ball is good or swimming or crawling round on hands and knees. I can't go swimming because I get really self concious at public pools and I don't have a swim suit that would fit! I've been leaning over the birthing ball for an hour or two at a time - very uncomfy and by the time I've done I look like I've had a good rogering doggy style on the carpet!!! Crawling around on all fours is OK but getting up is a bastard! My foot is still really sore and swollen - they say to keep it elevated above the heart...to turn baby I must NOT lay down...work that out then!!! Nothings easy at the moment. Good news is, nursery furniture: cotbed, wardrobes & drawers are being delivered on Thursday. Wonder which is delivered first, baby or furniture? I know what my bets on...furniture! I'm glad the furniture will be here soon so I can get on with his nursery. Obviously he won't be in it straight away but its another job out of the way.
Been thinking about labor and birth and bringing baby home. I'm over due and it doesn't quite seem real still. I can't imagine myself giving birth or in labor. Mind you, I suppose that isn't a bad thing is it! The excitement and the nerves are all mixed into one neither over powering the other which is a good thing. Healthy balance of the two at the moment. I think because of all the problems and what not, my mind hasn't got round it quite. I somehow don't THINK I'm ever going to have this baby. Obviously I am but my mind has decided that until baby is in my arms, we aren't believing it.
Disaster this morning, well not quite this morning. We rent our house and we love it. Sunday we noticed that one of the floor boards in the living room had sort of gone through slightly. I emailed our estate agent and let her know and the landlord came over yesterday to look at it. He said it looked like a simple job and that the estate agents would get someone to sort it A.S.A.P. They're really good like that. The guy came round this morning while I had Keira and Daisy here. I walked over to show him the damage and he let out a groan. It wasn't a good groan as groans go. Upon closer inspection, the floor joists have gone and the floor is unsafe at one side of the room. He asked if we have a cellar. We don't have ACCESS to the cellar - the girl next door has the only access. Our houses used to be a barn for the Wentworth family then it was converted to a pub...hence only one access to the cellar. Just my luck, the woman next door is out - she's a nurse and works shifts so I have no idea when I can go talk to her. The handyman has posted her his card and a note explaining briefly the situation and I'll go round as soon as I know she's home. He's told me it needs sorting A.S.A.P. as it could go through just by standing on it so therefore, I can't stand on it. It needs doing before baby comes because the whole floor needs taking up. Fucking brilliant. If baby comes before the floor is fixed, I'm going to have to stay in a hotel until it's fixed. I think he's going to come before it's fixed to be awkward and stay true to form. I've got some washing out on the line and the only way to get outside is on this dodgy floor...Oh what fun!
Anyway, I will try not to leave it so long before the next blog post unless of course I have a baby then I may have my hands a little full. Small updates may be better rather than long ones. I'll see how I get on!

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