Saturday 14 May 2011

Nowt new

So...long time no blog! I may have to update this post later on as I'm due to get Alan up at 11:20 so he can have his breakfast before work. He was on nights last night, came home at 6:30 and he's got to be back in for 12:30! Poor lad! I'm making him a bacon & sausage butty on crispy white bread 'cause I love him y'see!

Well, have "time" to blog so obviously no baby...YET! I'm in "early" labour but it could take days/weeks! Friggin brilliant! As if I'm not uncomfortable enough as it is! Been having contractions that are getting stronger by the day. The midwife thought that because I was getting contractions every 3 mins I MUST be in labour. Poor woman must've felt a right tit when she checked me! She told me she expected me to be back within a couple of hours...that was last Sunday...Frustrated, tired and fed up are NOT the words.

*Tootles off to make bacon & sausage butty for hubby* Post to be continued when I have a minuite...

****** [EDIT @ 12:0]*******

OK so breaky done, hubby at work and me...Fooooked! I've been baking this morning...chocolate buns butterfly buns with buttercream! Not burnt and according to Alan, very tasty...I've not buttercreamed them all yet though as I made the buttercream a bit runny so it's setting in the fridge. Stupid internet recipes! I have now ordered a baking book from Amazon, one which Jayne recommendBolded to me. She bakes so it must be good!

I'm supposed to be resting but I can't...I'm too fidgity! Plus I feel like there are loads of things to do! I've had a visit from my step dad, Judd this morning. He brought a big bag of baby clothes from Ellie including a cow coat that Keira gave Ellie on the proviso she'd give it to me! It was a struggle getting it with the current state of my "family"...I text Ellie and asked if she could bring it up. She said she'd come up today. Then she text she would come tomorrow. Then she said my step dad would bring it. No prizes for guessing who's idea it was? My mothers! Anyway, I've text both my mother and Ellie to thank them for the clothes as we do appreciate it. So far, no reply. Ignorant fuckers.

I should really be timing these contractions as they're getting quite painful...not that it means anything with me. Bloody awkward baby! I really hope he comes this weekend. I'm so uncomfy and sore and ready to meet my little man!

Fingers crossed x

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