Wednesday 4 May 2011

I have a feeling today is going to be a looooooong day! I've been up since crack o dawn with back ache and contractions. Got in bath around 5am because there was no chance I was getting back to sleep. I'm wide awake now but you can bet I'll be exhausted by lunch time! Had contractions and back ache that was painful for over 4 hours last night but they slowed down and I managed to fall asleep for a little while. They are back again now. I hope this is the start of him actually making an appearance! Little bugger!

Yesterday, I had a lovely visit from Keira and Daisy. Daisy kept saying my name when asked who was on the phone..."MAMEEEEE" so bloody cute! I really love spending time with them. Keira and I get to have a "grown up" the moment it's about how fucked off we are with mum and Ellie! And I get to play with Daisy. She keeps lifting my top up and rubbing my belly saying, "baby" My neice is so clever :)

Alan had his tattoo done yesterday, which actually is quite nice. It's his second so far. The first is his late step dads nickname on his forearm. Both tattoos were designed for him & are originals so no one else will have them which is good. I love tattoos just not the dolphin, ex's names, shit roses that even I could draw! I have four myself:

1. Small treble cleff on my back [tribute for my love of all music from when I was younger and learning to play piano]

2. Small heart on my hip/tummy [a special day with my best friend Batman - dedicated to her]

3. Butterflies with flowers on my foot [in memory of a passed friend and new friends made]

4. Face your fears. Live your dreams in latin on the inside of my wrist [got this when I was being bullied at my old work and struggling with endometriosis and other things]

They are all small tattoos but significant and meaningful to me. All can be hidden too!

1 comment:

  1. You've let me down Amy, no dolphin tats???? Your ones sound very nice though and all for good reasons. x
