Monday 12 September 2011

Dear So and So...My First

Dear Government,
Why is it that working parents have to fork out loads of money for childcare but the unemployed who have nothing to do other than watch Jeremy Kyle get free childcare?  I go back to work in January and will be paying over 100 quid a week.  Sort out your priorities.
Just Sayin, Amy

Dear husband of mine,
I’m really enjoying eating dinner at the table with you at night, I love the “no technology at the dinner table” rule we’ve got going on.  I’m enjoying cooking for you and seeing the satisfaction and shock on your face when you enjoy it.  I told you cooking was a hidden talent, I just kept it well hidden until now.  Oh but please stop leaving your t-shirts, socks and other items of clothing in the livingroom, kitchen and anywhere else other than your wardrobe or wash bin.  Contrary to popular belief, a clothes hunt is not my idea of fun.

Love, your brilliant wife

Dear my baby boys body clock,
If it’s you that’s stopping him sleeping and keeping him awake making him upset then stop it.  It’s no fun for either of us.  There’s only going to be one winner here and it won’t be you.
Love, the boys mummy

Dear K,

You're take take take all the time and the times I need you, you're never there.  You only bother with me when you want something and bitch at me when I can't give it to you.  You make promises you have no intention of keeping and you try to make me feel guilty for expecting you to.  It'd be nice if just once you'd keep your word but because you haven't once again me and my family suffer.  Please don't ask for my help again because after today, I'm done being a mug.

Let down again, Your Sister.

Dear Self,
Stop doubting yourself.  Stop thinking you can’t do something.  You’ve got everything you need to succeed in your head so give it a shot you might surprise yourself.  Stop listening to people who make you doubt yourself and start listening to those who support you.  Give yourself a chance, you won’t regret it.

In Your Head, Amy

Dear So and So...


  1. Yes Amy! Listen to yourself and believe in yourself.

    Doctors told you you'd need IVF. Amy didnt. You are a defiant little so-and-so if ever I've met one and I love you loads for it.

    You could put your mind to anything you wanted to. You are being a brilliant mummy, and I admire you so much for it because a lot of people would have fallen at the hurdle of baby being unwell. Teaming that with everything.

    Since I've known you I know you are one tough cookie, and I've only ever really seen you break down COMPLETELY once. (stupid work!)

    You've gone through so much since I've known you (nevermind 3 surnames!) And you are one tough cookie.

    You'll be brilliant at what you put your mind to darling, whether thats being the best mummy to alfie (which you will be) being the best mummy to more than one LO. Going back to work, or retraining for something else.

    I've ever faith in you hun. I know you've supported me every step of the way xx

  2. Thanks Adele, really appreciate it xx
